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Readings at the Chefs For Farmers food and wine festival, Sunday, October 2.

Deck: Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle
Pull: The Tower, Justice, The Chariot
Interpretation: DAMN, y'all. This reading is one hell of a follow up to yesterday's message of proactive balance in order to put your best self forward. Please check it out if you haven't done so already.
Part II: Taking Justice (the tarot card representative of Libra season, which we are in now through October 23) again as the central point of the reading, I pulled one card to represent what the sword of truth is pointing to and that was The Tower. The Tower can be scary, it can be overwhelming, but most of all, the crumbling of The Tower is NECESSARY. Any idea, belief, routine, career, relationship or hell, even a whole life built on anything less than truth needs to be brought down so we can rebuild from a place of balance, sustainability and responsibility (Justice). This is true liberation. Take comfort in knowing that all this rebalancing is for our highest good. The truth WILL set us free. We can watch this tower crumble, knowing something stronger and more authentic will take its place.
What is the foundation of the rebalancing Justice is helping us achieve this season? Determination. The Chariot awaits. We're ready. This is our time to move, to go, to be a warrior of light, to push forward in a way that is steady, confident and prepared. We trust our ability to handle the truth, because we trust in ourselves, period. Self-trust is the foundation on which we rebuild and that is where our individual and collective power truly shines—our hearts, our minds and our souls. When we get all three in alignment, nothing less than Justice will be served. This is the holy grail, and we've finally found it.
Oracle for this season: We're willing to accept nothing less for our lives than one of truth and balance. We will achieve nothing less because now we're ready to accept full responsibility for own lives, moving forward in alignment and confidence, even if it means we have to start from a totally new foundation. We are not afraid.
Part I of this season's message was published yesterday. Click here to read for context.
Journal prompts: Where do I feel compelled to take action in my life to find a more sustainable way of life? What's no longer working for me? Where do I need to hold myself radically accountable in order to move forward in life?
Affirmations: I welcome truth to propel me into a bright, new future. I honor my unique truth and take responsibility for my life.
Songs to match: "Sum of Us" –Jurassic 5