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Tarot Card Story Time: Pick A Word, Any Word

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

If you'd like to book a personal tarot or oracle card reading with me, please visit this link. To see what time slots are available, please visit my calendar.

Upcoming events:

Two upcoming Wednesdays, November 16 AND November 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Walking Stick Brewing Company, private 3-card readings. Tips welcome!

Online group reading for $15/person (minimum 5 participants, maximum 8 participants), December 1, between 6-8 p.m. Click here for information.

The back of four tarot cards with the words, "Tip-Toe," "crotch," "Court," and "Formidable" underneath individual cards, from left to right.
This week's reading courtesy of The Modern Witch Tarot deck by Lisa Sterle.

It's time for another tarot reading experiment! Today, I first chose a word at random in the dictionary by closing my eyes and using whatever word my finger landed on. Then, I set the intention to pick a card that would accompany that word for the reading.

Your job? Picking the word that stands out the most to you today. Don't think too hard, just read the words and choose your reading! This is for fun, after all.

And with we go.

A little extra space if you're trying to cheat. Or if you're having trouble deciding. Or a little of both.

From Left to Right: For Tip-Toe: The Fool. For Crotch: The High Priestess reversed. For Court: Six of Swords. For Formidable: Ace of Swords reversed. The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle.
For Tip-Toe: The Fool. For Crotch: The High Priestess reversed. For Court: Six of Swords. For Formidable: Ace of Swords reversed.

Ok, so this is fun, right? Scroll down for your reading, based on the word you chose.

The Fool card from The Modern Witch tarot deck.


The Fool upright

You’ve been tip-toeing around something for a while, but The Fool is here to tell you the time is now.

Take the chance.

Commit to something new.

Take a leap of faith.

You wouldn’t be thinking about the thing you’re thinking about right now if it wasn’t something you were meant to try. Give yourself the opportunity to start fresh.

You’re ready for the journey ahead. No more doubting.

The High Priestess reversed from The Modern Witch Tarot Deck.


The High Priestess reversed

Y’all, I can tell you I laughed out loud when I saw the word for this card. Whether it’s the traditional meaning of the spot between our legs or the lesser known version of it being a fork in a river or road, the message is clear - lighten up. We tend to let things weigh us down, especially when it comes to the unknown, the uncertainty of the future and the plans the Universe has for our lives.

This is the High Priestess’ way of sticking her tongue out at us, letting us know we don’t have to take everything so seriously or look for signs in every, single thing that happens in our lives. The Universe has your back. Now is the time for enjoying, playing and making light of your circumstances.

Six of Swords tarot card from The Modern Witch Tarot Deck.


Six of Swords upright

Something or someone is “courting” you to move out of a place of conflict and into one of healing and peace. Your nervous system might be stuck in fight or flight mode from the demands of everyday life.

Some signs this could be you: Trouble sleeping, combative, moody, irritable, always feel like you need to be in a hurry, everything seems to have a sense of urgency, food doesn’t taste as good as it used to, you’re “in your head’ a lot, you’re fatigued constantly, but not sure why, etc.

When this person or situation invites you to drift on over to calmer waters, DO IT. Go. You deserve to rest, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.

Ace of Swords reversed from The Modern Witch Tarot Deck.


Ace of Swords reversed

It’s time for you to pull the sword from the stone. You may feel underrated, undervalued or simply less qualified, but THIS IS YOUR SIGN to go for it.

No more imposter syndrome.

You are a formidable force to be reckoned with and now is the time to rise up.

You are the one who is uniquely suited, chosen and fated for that thing that fear has you convinced is beyond your limits.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.


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