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Card(s) of the Day: August 11, 2022 FULL MOON EDITION

Full moon means EXTRA cards, y'all!

Deck: Rider-Waite-Smith, the OG of modern tarot decks and the deck I do readings with because it's what I've been studying since 2011.

Spread: Release / Accept / Pursue in honor of the last supermoon of the year

Pull: Page of Wands / Three of Pentacles / King of Pentacles

Interpretation: The last supermoon of the year is here and it's telling us to get to WORK, baby. Intuitively, this feels that work started this full moon cycle will set the tone for the fall and possibly the winter.

In the RELEASE position, the Page of Wands is asking us to move past the discovery portion of those passions we've been dabbling in. For me, personally, that's tarot and also the children's book manuscripts I've been sitting on for months. For those of you reading, you'll know what it is because it's something ready to move from the "curious" stage to the "I'm ready to invest more time and energy into this" stage. It's no longer feeling risky to move forward, because you've proven to yourself it really is something you love AND you wish to expand.

For context, today is my 41st birthday, and last year I left a successful business behind to rest, relax and open up to the next chapter. It's been an awesome experience, getting reconnected to myself, my friends and my family in a way that I never thought was possible. I definitely felt like this page, ready to explore my passions and purpose!

Three of pentacles in the ACCEPT position is letting us know that moving this new passion project or creative talent into the next phase might require some collaboration. Collaboration not only helps motivate us more intently (ahem...peer pressure is not always a bad thing), it can also push us to refine our roles within the context of a group working towards a common goal. Well-defined roles empower you to practice and strengthen newfound talents, passions and get really good at what you're doing.

King of pentacles in the PURSUE position says: THIS HAS POTENTIAL to provide for your materially. It's not just spiritual, it's not simply a passion project, it's something that can propel you into a higher realm of earning, providing and mastering the material world. For most of's money. For some, it could be literally crafting something, gardening or physical creation. But whatever it is, go for it. Pursue complete mastery. This is the way.

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